Department: DNICM (НЭОНИКС)
Year: 2024
REFERENCES: O.N. Lis, N.M. Belozerova, S.E. Kichanov, G.P. Shevchenko, Yu.V. Bokshyts, V.A. Zhuravkov, D.P. Kozlenko, A.A. Ushkov, T.N. Vershinina,Crystal structure of strontium aluminates phosphors containing bismuth oxides,Chemistry of Inorganic Materials, 3, 100045 (2024)

G.P. Shevchenko (Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the BSU, Belarus), Yu.V. Bokshyts (Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the BSU, Belarus), V.A. Zhuravkov (Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the BSU, Belarus), A.A. Ushkov (School of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University,Israel)

Xuess 3.0 diffractometer, Raman spectroscopy, Empyrean PANalytical powder diffractometer (FLNP JINR)