Department: DNP (ОЯФ)
Year: 2022
REFERENCES: P.L. Tuan, M. Kulik, T.V. Phuc, A.I. Madadzada, T.Yu. Zelenyak, M. Turek, J. ?uk, C. Mita, A. Stanculescu, A.S. Doroshkevich, B. Jasinska, L.H. Khiem, N.N. Anh, N.T. Bao My, Pseudo-dielectric function spectra of the near surface layer of GaAs implanted with various fluence of Xe+ ions, Thin Solid Films, Volume 756

M. Turek, J. Zuk, B. Jasinska (Maria Curie-Sk?odowska University, Poland); C. Mita (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania); A. Stanculescu (National Institute of Materials Physics, Romania); L.H. Khiem (Institute of Physics, Vietnam; Graduate University for Science and Technology, Vietnam); N.N. Anh (Dalat Nuclear Research Institute, Vietnam)