Crystallographic and shape preferred orientation producing anisotropy in slates from Northern Spain
- Department: DNICM (НЭОНИКС)
- Author: Bulavin/Булавин M. V., Galushko/Галушко A. V., Mukhin/Мухин K. A., Skuratov/Скуратов V. A., Yskakov/Ыскаков A.
- Year: 2022
- REFERENCES: Journal of Structural Geology. 2022. V. 164. 104730
Wenk H.-R., Devoe M. (UC Berkeley, USA); Huang J. (UC Berkeley, USA; Institute of Disaster Prevention, China); Gomez-Barreiro J., Barrios-Sanchez S. (University of Salamanca, Spain); Ren Y. (Argonne National Laboratory, USA; City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
11-ID-C (APS, Argonne National Laboratory, USA), Zeiss-EVO SEM (UC Berkeley, USA)