Exploring the Conformation and Thermal Stability of Human Serum Albumin Corona of Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles
- Department: DNICM (НЭОНИКС)
- Author: Balasoiu/Балашою M. A.
- Year: 2020
- DOI:
- REFERENCES: International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(24) 9734 (2020)
C. G. Chilom, A. Balan, N. Sandu (Univ Bucharest, Fac Phys), S. Stolyar ( Fed Res Ctr KSC SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk), O. Orelovich (FLNR)
FESEM SU-8020 ЛЯР ОИЯИ, ЛНФ ОИЯИ, Univ Bucharest, Fac Phys