Non-Destructive and Micro-Invasive Techniques for Characterizing the Ancient Roman Mosaic Fragments
- Department: DNICM (НЭОНИКС)
- Author: Golosova/Голосова N. O., Kichanov/Кичанов S. E., Kozlenko/Козленко D. P., Lukin/Лукин E.V., Rutkauskas/Руткаускас A. V., Savenko/Савенко B. N.
- Year: 2020
- REFERENCES: Applied Sciences, 10, 3781 (2020)
R.M. Ion, C.Radulescu, I. Dulama, I. A. Bucurica, A. I. Gheboianu, R. M.Stirbescu, S. Teodorescu, L. Iancu, M. E. David, R. M. Grigorescu
DN-12 and NRT facility (IBR-2 pulsed reactor, Dubna, Russia), National Institute for Research and Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry—ICECHIM, Evaluation and Conservation of Cultural Heritage Research Group, (Bucharest, Romania), Valahia University of Targoviste (Targoviste, Romania)