Redistribution of elements in the main and secondary phases and its effect on the microstructure of the Mo–Fe–B cermet alloyed with Cr
- Department: DNICM (НЭОНИКС)
- Author: Vershinina/Вершинина T. N.
- Year: 2022
- REFERENCES: Vershinina T.N., Zarya M.D., Korneeva E.A., Galushka I.A., Rimsha P.B., Ivanov M.B. Redistribution of elements in the main and secondary phases and its effect on the microstructure of the Mo–Fe–B cermet alloyed with Cr, Ceramics International 48 (14) (2022) 20974-20983
Zarya M.D. (Университет Дубна, Россия), Korneeva E.A. (ЛЯР, ОИЯИ, Россия), Galushka I.A. (ВИАМ, Россия), Rimsha P.B. (ВИАМ, Россия), Ivanov M.B. (Центр разработок S7, Россия)
Рентгеновский дифрактомер EMPYREAN (PANalytical)