Structural changes introduced by cholesterol and melatonin to the model membranes mimicking preclinical conformational diseases. General physiology and biophysics
- Department: DNICM (НЭОНИКС)
- Author: Ermakova/Ермакова E. V., Hrubovčák/Хрубовчак P., Ivankov/Иваньков O. I., Kondela/Кондела T., Kučerka/Кучерка N., Kuklin/Куклин A. I., Murugova/Муругова T. N., Skoi/Ской V. V.
- Year: 2020
- DOI:
- REFERENCES: General physiology and biophysics 39. (2020) 135-144.
YuMO facility (IBR-2 pulsed reactor, Dubna, Russia)