Structural Studies of the Qarakhanid Dirham Using X-Ray Diffraction and Neutron Tomography Methods
- Department: DNICM (НЭОНИКС)
- Author: Belova/Белова M. O., Kichanov/Кичанов S. E., Kozlenko/Козленко D. P., Lukin/Лукин E.V., Mukhametuly/Мухаметулы B., Nazarov/Назаров K. M., Rutkauskas/Руткаускас A. V., Zel/Зель I. Y.
- Year: 2021
- REFERENCES: Abdurakhimov, B.A., Tashmetov, M.Y., Bakirov, B.A. et al. Structural Studies of the Qarakhanid Dirham Using X-Ray Diffraction and Neutron Tomography Methods. J. Surf. Investig. 15, 1232–1237 (2021).
M. Yu. Tashmetov, B.S. Yuldashev, N.B. Ismatov
Neutron imaging facility (INP, Uzbekistan)