Texture of the Freshwater Shells from the Unionidae Family Collected in the Czech Republic Investigated by X-ray and Neutron Diffraction
- Department: DNICM (НЭОНИКС)
- Author: Lychagina/Лычагина T. A., Nekhoroshkov/Нехорошков P. S., Nikolayev/Николаев D. I., Pakhnevich/Пахневич A. V., Yushin/Юшин N. S., Zinicovscaia/Зиньковская I. I.
- Year: 2021
- REFERENCES: Monika Kucer?kov?, Jan Rohl?cek, Stanislav Vratislav, Mark?ta Jaro?ov?, Ladislav Kalvoda, Dmitry Nikolayev, Tatiana Lychagina, Karel Douda "Texture of the Freshwater Shells from the Unionidae Family Collected in the Czech Republic Investigated by X-ray and Neutron Diffraction", Crystals, 2021, 11, 1483
Monika Kucerakova, Jan Rohlicek, Stanislav Vratislav, Marketa Jarosova, Ladislav Kalvoda, Karel Douda
SKAT (FLNP JINR), KSN-2 (Nuclear Research Institute Rez, Czech Republic) SmartLab Rigaku X-ray diffractometer (Czech Academy of Sciences)