Correlation Between the Direction of Prompt Neutrons and Fragments in the Fission Process as a Tool for Studying Rotation Effect
- Department: DNP (ОЯФ)
- Author: Ahmadov/Ахмадов G. S., Andreev/Андреев A.V., Berikov/Бериков D. B., Dabylova/Дабылова S. B., Das/Дас P.K., Fedorov/Фёдоров N. A., Grozdanov/Грозданов D. N., Harlamov/Харламов P.I., Kopatch/Копач Y. N., Pakhnevich/Пахневич A. V., Tretyakova/Третьякова T. Y.
- Year: 2024
- REFERENCES: Berikov, D.; Ahmadov, G.; Kopatch, Yu.; Nuruyev, S.; Mendibayev, K.; and Ahmadov, F. (2024) "Correlation between the direction of prompt neutrons and fragments in the fission process as a tool for studying rotation effect," Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials: Vol. 8: No. 2, Article 5, Pg. 93-98
K. Mendibayev (FLNR JINR), F. Ahmadov (Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku, Azerbaijan)