Cross section of the 232Th(n, f ) reaction in the MeV neutron energy region
- Department: DNP (ОЯФ)
- Author: Chuprakov/Чупраков I. A., Gledenov/Гледенов Y. M., Sansarbayar/Сансарбаяр E.
- Year: 2022
- DOI:
- REFERENCES: Yu.M.Gledenov, Zengqi Cui, Jie Li, Haoyu Jiang, Yiwei Hu,Haofan Bai, Jinxiang Chen, Guohui Zhang, E. Sansarbayar, G. Khuukhenkhuu, L. Krupa, I. Chuprakov, Yinlu Han, Xichao Ruan, Hanxiong Huang, Jie Ren. "Cross section of the 232Th(n, f ) reaction in the MeV neutron energy region", Eur. Phys. J. A, 58, Article number: 86 (2022)
Zengqi Cui, Jie Liu, Haoyu Jiang, Yiwei Hu, Haofan Bai, Jinxiang Chen, Guohui Zhang, State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology, Institute of Heavy Ion Physics, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China. G. Khuukhenkhuu, Nuclear Research Centre, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Yinlu Han, Xichao Ruan, Hanxiong Huang, Jie Ren, China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413, China. L. Krupa, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna 141980, Russia
Peking University (PKU) and China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE),4.5 MeV Van de Graaff accelerator and the HI-13 tandem accelerator