Evaluation of the Effects of High Silver and Copper Nanoparticle Concentrations on Vaccinium myrtillus L. under Field Conditions.
- Department: DNP (ОЯФ)
- Author: Cao/Цао V. H., Nguyen/Нгуен T. T. H. , Nguyen/Нгуен T. B. M., Trinh/Чинь T. T. M., Vergel/Вергель К. N., Zinicovscaia/Зиньковская I. I.
- Year: 2024
- REFERENCES: Nanomaterials 2024, 14, 1545.
Cepoi, L.; Rudi, L.; Chiriac, T. (Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Technical University of Moldova, 1 Academiei Str., MD-2028 Chisinau, Moldova); Ganea, L. ( Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering, 30 Reactorului Str., 077125 M?gurele, Romania)
PIXE, IFIN (Romania), ICP-OES Dubna