Gamma-ray spectroscopy with MAPD array in thereadout of LaBr3:Ce scintillator
- Department: DNP (ОЯФ)
- Author: Lychagin/Лычагин E.V., Muzychka/Музычка A. Y., Nekhaev/Нехаев G. V., Nezvanov/Незванов A. Y., Strelkov/Стрелков A. V., Turlybekuly/Турлыбекулы K., Zhernenkov/Жерненков K. N.
- Year: 2021
- REFERENCES: J. Instrum. 16, P07020 (2021)
M. Holik, J. Zich, P. Pridal - Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UWB in Pilsen & Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, CTU in Prague (Czech Republic); F. Ahmadov, Z. Sadygov, R. Akbarov, A. Sadigov, A. Mammadli - Institute of Radiation Problems-ANAS (Azerbaijan); R. Mammadov - National Nuclear Research Center (Azerbaijan); E. Yilmaz, E. Doganci - Nuclear Radiation Detectors Application and Research Center (Turkey)
FLNP, National Nuclear Research Center, Baku and Institute of Experimental and Applied Physic in Prague