High hydrostatic pressure influence on the properties and tendency to agglomeration of ZrO2 grains of the Al2O3 – YSZ composite ceramics system
- Department: DNP (ОЯФ)
- Author: Chuprakov/Чупраков I. A., Gledenov/Гледенов Y. M., Sansarbayar/Сансарбаяр E.
- Year: 2023
DOI: eramint.2023.01.202
- REFERENCES: A.V. Maletskyi, T.E. Konstantinova, G.K. Volkova, D.R. Belichko, A.S. Doroshkevich, E. Popov, N. Cornei, B. Jasinska, Zh.V. Mezentseva, A.A. Tatarinova, M.N. Mirzayev, L.H. Khiem, I. Risti?, V. Teofilovi?, R. Balvanovi?, High hydrostatic pressure influence on the properties and tendency to agglomeration of ZrO2 grains of the Al2O3 – YSZ composite ceramics system, Ceramics International, Volume 49, Issue 10, 2023, Pages 16044-16052, ISSN 0272-8842, mint.2023.01.202
A.V. Maletskyi, T.E. Konstantinova, G.K. Volkova, D.R. Belichko (Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering Named After O.O. Galkin); E. Popov, (JINR, DLNP); M.N. Mirzayev (JINR, FLNR); N. Cornei, (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Faculty of Chemistry, Romania); B. Jasinska (Institute of Physics, Maria Curie-Sk?odowska University); L.H. Khiem (Graduate University of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology; Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology); I. Risti?, Vesna Teofilovi?c (Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad); R. Balvanovi? (University of Belgrade- Archaeology Department, National Museum, Belgrade, Serbia, National Museum, Po?arevac, Serbia)