Impact of Industrial Effluents on Accumulation, Translocation of Zinc and Antioxidant Activity in Radish (Raphanus sativus L.): A Laboratory Study.
- Department: DNP (ОЯФ)
- Author: Kravtsova/Кравцова A. V., Nekhoroshkov/Нехорошков P. S., Peshkova/Пешкова A. A., Zinicovscaia/Зиньковская I. I.
- Year: 2024
- REFERENCES: Phys. Part. Nuclei Lett. 21, 1098–1109 (2024)
Cepoi L., Chiriac T., Rudi L. (Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Technical University of Moldova, 1, Academiei Str., MD-2028 Chisinau, Moldova)
ИСП-АЭС (ЛНФ ОИЯИ); T80 UV-VIS spectrophotometer (Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Moldova)