The Influence of the Dispersing Agent Nature on the Interaction of DNA Nucleotides with the Surface of YSZ Nanoparticles and the Homogeneity of Lyophilites Based on Them
- Department: DNP (ОЯФ)
- Author: Slavkova/Славкова Z.
- Year: 2022
- REFERENCES: Doroshkevich, A.S.; Doroshkevich, V.S.; Zelenyak, T.Y.; Doroshkevich, N.V.; Lyubchyk, A.I.; Lyubchyk, S.I.; Lyubchyk, S.B.; Tatarinova, A.A.; Stanculescu, A.; Chicea, D.; Mita, C.; Cornei, N.; Mardare, D.; Oksengendler, B.L.; Nikiforova, N.N.; Mirzayev, M.N.; Popov, E.P.; Donkov, A.A.; Teofilovi?, V.; Jasinska, B.; Khiem, L.H. The Influence of the Dispersing Agent Nature on the Interaction of DNA Nucleotides with the Surface of YSZ Nanoparticles and the Homogeneity of Lyophilites Based on Them. Preprints 2022, 2022100152
Viktor S. Doroshkevich (Donetsk National University, Ukraine); Nelya V. Doroshkevich (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia; Donetsk National Vasyl Stus University, Ukraine); Andriy I. Lyubchyk (Nanotechcenter LLC, Ukraine; Lus?fona University, Portugal); Sergiy I. Lyubchyk (Lus?fona University, Portugal; Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal); Svitlana B. Lyubchyk (Lus?fona University, Portugal; Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal); Anca Stanculescu (National Institute of Materials Physics, Romania); Dan Chicea (“Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania); Carmen Mita, Nicoleta Cornei, Diana Mardare (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Romania); Boris L. Oksengendler, Nadejda N. Nikiforova (Ion-plasma and laser technologies Institute after U. Arifov, Uzbekistan); Matlab N. Mirzayev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia; Institute of Radiation Problems, Azerbaijan); Evgeni A. Popov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia; Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgaria; Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgaria); Aleksandr A. Donkov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia; Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgaria); Vesna Teofilovi? (University of Belgrade, Serbia); Bozena Jasinska (Maria Curie-Sk?odowska University, Poland); Le Hong Khiem (Institute of Physics, Vietnam; Graduate University for Science and Technology, Vietnam)