Arrangement of lipid vesicles and bicelle-like structures formed in the presence of A?(25–35) peptide
- Department: SRS (СРС)
- Author: Arynbek/Арынбек Y., Arzumanyan/Арзуманян G. M., Heba/Хеба A. Esawii, Mamatkulov/Маматкулов K. Z.
- Year: 2024
- REFERENCES: Sergei Kurakin, Dina Badreeva, Ermuhammad Dushanov, Artyom Shutikov, Sergey Efimov, Ayzira Timerova, Timur Mukhametzyanov, Tatiana Murugova, Oleksandr Ivankov, Kahramon Mamatkulov, Grigory Arzumanyan, Vladimir Klochkov, Norbert Ku?erka (2024). Arrangement of lipid vesicles and bicelle-like structures formed in the presence of A?(25–35) peptide. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes 1866, 184237.
Dina Badreeva - MLIT JINR Ermuhammad Dushanov - LRB JINR Sergey Efimov, Ayzira Timerova, Vladimir Klochkov - Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University Timur Mukhametzyanov - Butlerov Chemistry Institute, Kazan Federal University
“Confotec CARS” microspectrometer - ЛНФ ОИЯИ