Gadolinium-oxide nanoparticlesfor cryogenic magnetocaloricapplications
- Department: DNICM (НЭОНИКС)
- Author: Hrubovčák/Хрубовчак P., Ivankov/Иваньков O. I., Kučerka/Кучерка N., Kuklin/Куклин A. I.
- Year: 2022
- REFERENCES: A. Zele??kov?, P. Hrubov??k, A. Berkutova, O. ?ofranko, N. Ku?erka, O. Ivankov, A. Kuklin, V. Girman and V. Zele??k; Gadolinium?oxide nanoparticles for cryogenic magnetocaloric applications. Scientific Reports 12 (2022) 2282:1-11.
A. Zelenakova (Institute of Physics, P.J. safarik University), P. Hrubovcak (Institute of Physics, P.J. safarik University), A. Berkutova (Institute of Physics, P.J. safarik University), O. sofranko (Institute of Physics, P.J. safarik University), V. Girman (Institute of Physics, P.J. safarik University) and V. Zelenak (Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, P.J. safarik University)