The structure of scleractinian coral skeleton analyzed by neutron diffraction and neutron computed tomography
- Department: DNICM (НЭОНИКС)
- Author: Kichanov/Кичанов S. E., Kozlenko/Козленко D. P., Lukin/Лукин E.V., Mukhametuly/Мухаметулы B., Nazarov/Назаров K. M.
- Year: 2020
- REFERENCES: Scientific Reports, 10, 12869 (2020)
O.G. Duliu (Department of Structure of Matter, Earth and Atmospheric Physics and Astrophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, 405, Atomistilor str., 077125, Magurele, Ilfov, Romania), S.Y. Abdo, M.M. Sherif (aculty of Sciences, Cairo University, Al Orman, Giza Governorate, 12613, Egypt)
Станция нейтронной радиографии и томографии