Department: DNICM (НЭОНИКС)
Year: 2024
REFERENCES: Zhomartova, A. Z., Abdurakhimov, B. A., Talma?chi, C., Kichanov, S. E., Kozlenko, D. P., B?l??oiu, M., Talma?chi, G., ?ova, C., & Belc, M. C. (2024). The systematic structural studies of some Byzantine ceramic fragments from Dobrudja region of Romania: Raman spectroscopy, neutron diffraction, and imaging data. Archaeometry, 1–16.

C. Talma?chi (Museum of National History and Archaeology, Constanta, Romania), G. Talma?chi (Museum of National History and Archaeology, Constanta, Romania), C. ?ova (Museum of National History and Archaeology, Constanta, Romania), M. C. Belc (Faculty of Applied Sciences and Engineering, Ovidius University, Constanta, Romania)

DN-6, NRT at IBR-2 reactor