Impact of chemical and physical modification of zirconia on structure, surface state, and catalytic activity in oxidation of ?-tetralol
- Department: DNP (ОЯФ)
- Author: Doroshkevich/Дорошкевич A. S., Tatarinova/Татаринова A. A., Zelenyak/Зеленяк T. Y.
- Year: 2022
- REFERENCES: Gorban, O., Danilenko, I., Nosolev, I. et al. Impact of chemical and physical modification of zirconia on structure, surface state, and catalytic activity in oxidation of ?-tetralol. J Nanopart Res 24, 197 (2022).
Oksana Gorban, Igor Danilenko, Igor Nosolev, Aleksandr Doroshkevich (Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering Named After O.O. Galkin Ukraine); Emir Abdullayev, Oleksiy Shvets, Sergey Kolotilov (L. V. Pisarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine); Konstantin Gavrilenko (LLC Research and Production Enterprise “Enamine”, Ukraine; National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Ukraine)